Ultrasound study of shoulder
The PANLAR Ultrasound Study Group published in a series of articles in the Chilean Journal of Rheumatology, aimed at disseminating among American rheumatologists the sleepanatomy of different joints, the standardized technique for acquiring ultrasound images and analyzing the most frequent sonopathology of each joint. Each group of articles, which will be published in the magazine quarterly, are accompanied by an editorial commentary.
Dr. Carlos Pineda, President of the US PANLAR Group, invites American rheumatologists to visit, consult and disseminate the articles, in order to strengthen these initiatives at the continental level.
Home Journal Chilena Rheumatology. Vol 26 No 4 Year 2010
Editorial. Musculoskeletal ultrasonography applied to rheumatic diseases. Lucio Ventura, Carlos Pineda, Marwin Gutiérrez
The ultrasonography of the shoulder. Marwin Gutiérrez, Lucio Ventura-Ríos, Carlos Pineda
Sonoanatomy of the shoulder. Ana Bertoli, Óscar Sedano S., Roser Areny M. (On behalf of the PANLAR Ultrasound Group)
Ultrasonography in the study of painful shoulder syndrome. Mario A. Chávez-López, Óscar S. Sedano, Guillermo E. Py
Full text of the journal Chilena de Reumatología
Ultrasound and Sonoanotamía
To the published studies on shoulder by the Group of Ultrasound of PANLAR, the ultrasound evaluations of elbow, hand, wrist, hip and painful knee are added. The articles were published in the Revista Chilena de Reumatología throughout 2011. All are in Spanish language.
Revista Chilena de Reumatología, Vol. 27 No 4 Year 2011
Editorial. Ultrasonographic Evaluation of the Painful Knee. Anthony M. Reginato, PhD, MD, Victor H. Flores, MD.
Sonoanatomy of the Knee. Franz A. Otaiza P., María Lida Santiago, Andy Abril, Maynor Alberto Herrera.
Ultrasonography in the Painful Knee Study. Santiago Ruta, Maritza Quintero, José Francisco Díaz-Coto.
Revista Chilena de Reumatología, Vol. 27 No 3 Year 2011
Editorial. Ultrasound Evaluation of the Hip. Carlos Pineda Villaseñor.
Hip Sonoanatomy. Pedro J Rodríguez H., Fritz Hofmann, Raúl Pacheco L.
Ultrasonography in Painful Hip. Magaly Alva L., Margarita Duarte.
Revista Chilena de Reumatología, Vol. 27 No 2 Year 2011
Ultrasonography of the Hand and the Wrist. Emilio Filippucci.
Ultrasonography in the Study of the Regional Pathology of the Hand and Wrist. Lucio Ventura R., Claudia Mora T., Lorena Evelin Urioste E.
Sonoanatomy of the Hand and the Wrist. Roberto Muñoz-Louis and Carla Solano.
Revista Chilena de Reumatología, Vol. 27 No 1 Year 2011
Foreword. Importance of Ultrasonography in Elbow Pathology. Carlos Pineda.
Ultrasound in the Study of Painful Elbow Syndrome. Marcelo Audisio, Marta Aliste.
Elbow Sonoanatomy. Guillermo Enrique Py, Fritz Hofmann, Pedro Rodríguez.