Retos y soluciones para diagnóstico y tratamiento de la Artritis Reumatoide en América Latina
Challenges and solutions for diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in Latin America
Issue Editors:
ISSN: 0770-3198 (Print) 1434-9949 (Online)
In this issue (12 articles)
Rheumatoid arthritis in Latin America. Important challenges to be solved
Ruben Burgos Vargas, Mario H. CardielPages 1-3
Challenges and opportunities for diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in Latin America
Carlos Pineda, Carlo V Caballero-UribePages 5-7
Review Article
Burden of illness of rheumatoid arthritis in Latin America: a regional perspective
L. A. Ramírez, C. Rodríguez, M. H. CardielPages 9-15
Review Article
Help-seeking trajectory in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Ingris Pelaez, Claudia Infante, Rosana QuintanaPages 17-28
Review Article
Rheumatoid arthritis in Latin America: the importance of an early diagnosis
Licia Maria Henrique da Mota, Claiton Viegas Brenol…Pages 29-44
Review Article
Education for patients with rheumatoid arthritis in Latin America and the Caribbean
Vianna Khoury, Maria Kourilovitch, Loreto MassardoPages 45-49
Review Article
Proper management of rheumatoid arthritis in Latin America. What the guidelines say?
Claiton V. Brenol, Jorge Ivan Gamez Nava, Enrique R. SorianoPages 51-55
Erratum to: Proper management of rheumatoid arthritis in Latin America. What the guidelines say?
Claiton V. Brenol, Jorge Ivan Gamez Nava, Enrique R. SorianoPage 57
Review Article
Access to an optimal treatment. Current situation
Manuel F. Ugarte-Gil, Adriana M. R. Silvestre…Pages 59-66
Review Article
Rheumatoid arthritis in Latin America: challenges and solutions to improve its diagnosis and treatment training for medical professionals
R. Munoz-Louis, J. Medrano-Sánchez, R. MontufarPages 67-70
Review Article
From the model of integral attention to the creation of centers of excellence in rheumatoid arthritis
Pedro Santos-Moreno, Oswaldo Castañeda, Boris Garro, Dennis Flores…Pages 71-77
Review Article
Challenges faced in Latin America for the implementation of an ideal health-care model for rheumatoid arthritis patients: are we ready?
Juan Carlos Rodríguez Jaillier, Ana María Posada Arango…Pages 79-93