Panlar Consensus on Chikungunya
Pan-American League of Associations for Rheumatology–Central American, Caribbean and Andean Rheumatology Association Consensus-Conference Endorsements and Recommendations on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chikungunya-Related Inflammatory Arthropathies in Latin America
Pablo Monge, MD, José Manuel Vega, MD, Ana María Sapag, MD,† Ilsa Moreno, MD, Rubén Montúfar, MD, Vianna Khoury, MD, Pablo Camilo, MD, Ruddy Rivera, MD, Juan C. Rueda, MD, Daniel Jaramillo-Arroyave, MSc, John Londoño, PhD, María del Carmen Ruiz, MD, Félix Fernández, MD, Maritza Quintero, PhD, Yurilis Fuentes Silva, MD, José Luis Aguilar, MSc, Carlos Vallejo-Flores, MD, Carlo V. Caballero Uribe, PhD(c), Hugo Sandoval, M Ec, and Carlos Pineda, MD, PhD
Althoughmortality rates related with chikungunya (CHIK) outbreaks in Latin America's (LA's) dengue-endemic rural and new urban regions are low, dealing with symptoms and sequelae can both produce a significant burden of disease and diminish quality of life from many months to years after the acute phase of the infection, with a significant impact on public and individual health.
The aim of this work was to establish Pan-American League of Associations for Rheumatology–Central American, Caribbean and Andean Rheumatology Association (ACCAR) consensus-conference endorsements and recommendations on the diagnosis and treatment of CHIK-related inflammatory arthropathies transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in LA.