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Experience in the 2019 ACR exchange program

“By winning the 2019 ACR/PANLAR scholarship I had the opportunity to do a residency in Rheumatology, Allergies, and Immunology at North Carolina University (NCU), recognized for the hospitality of each of its members as well as its high academic level.


One of the goals of the service is to provide the best medical training, which is why they have various academic activities: on Tuesdays a topic related to systemic lupus erythematosus is developed, on Wednesdays a clinical meeting is held to discuss the high complexity cases, and on Fridays an expert is invited to talk about a controversial topic of the specialty.


Another aspect to consider is that this institution has been recognized for the past 10 years for being culturally and linguistically competent for the Latin American community, as they have treated over 15.000 immigrant patients since its establishment, which makes case studies much more diverse and interesting.


As well as I, they share the same passion for research and have the Thurston Arthritis Research center, which is constantly developing new and important scientific data.


The time I spent there allowed me to grow both personally and professionally because the Rheumatology, Allergy, and Immunology service in NCU is known for presenting a vast variety of cases, as well as its high problem-solving capacity, due to their scope of all the currently available therapeutic options, and specially due to their personalized and warm care towards the patient.”




Dr. Claudia Elera Fitzcarrald
Research Associate – Universidad Científica del Sur
Rheumatologist at Padre Luis Tezza Clinic, Lima, Perú